Carta abierta internacional por una Siria democrática basada en la libertad de las mujeres

WDR – 27 enero 2025 – Traducido y editado por Rojava Azadi Madrid
Carta abierta internacional de mujeres por una Siria democrática basada en la libertad de las mujeres
dirigida a
António Guterres, Secretario General de las Naciones Unidas,
Sima Sami Bahous, Directora Ejecutiva de ONU Mujeres,
Roberta Metsola, Presidenta del Parlamento Europeo,
António Luís Santos da Costa, Presidente del Consejo de Europa,
Ahmed Aboul Gheit, Secretario General de la Liga Árabe,
Desde la caída del régimen de Assad en Siria el 8 de diciembre de 2024, se está debatiendo el futuro de Siria y, con ello, las nuevas oportunidades para una reconstrucción democrática de la sociedad siria.
Es esencial que la propia sociedad dé forma y avance en esta reconstrucción. También es esencial que las mujeres sirias participen en la configuración de este proceso construyendo entre todos la política y todas las esferas de la vida de forma autodeterminada.
Siria lleva más de una década en estado de guerra civil, un proceso que comenzó con un levantamiento contra el opresivo régimen baasista. En los 13 años que siguieron, la sociedad se enfrentó repetidamente a los crímenes más atroces contra la humanidad por parte de diversos grupos terroristas como el llamado Estado Islámico o a ataques de invasión por parte del Estado turco en violación del derecho internacional.
En el norte y el este de Siria, la población kurda lleva desde 2012 construyendo una sociedad autónoma basada en la liberación de la mujer, la ecología y la democracia de base. Las mujeres han desempeñado un papel muy importante en ello. En este modelo social, las mujeres asumen responsabilidades y están representadas en todos los ámbitos de la vida social y política. Se han organizado para defenderse y defender la vida de todos. Las unidades de defensa femenina de las YPJ, junto con las YPG y las SDF, lucharon contra Estado Islámico y liberaron numerosas ciudades de su reino. El modelo social de confederalismo democrático en el norte y el este de Siria ha creado una coexistencia multiétnica y multirreligiosa que puede servir de modelo para la reorganización en toda Siria.
Las mujeres de Siria se han unido y organizado para luchar contra los ataques a las mujeres y a la sociedad en su conjunto. Están decididas a trabajar para dar forma al proceso de paz, por una sociedad democrática y por la verdad y la justicia. Por este motivo, el 22 de diciembre de 2024, el Consejo de Mujeres de Siria presentó una declaración para remodelar Siria. En esta declaración, la asociación, formada por mujeres de diferentes orígenes étnicos, religiosos y culturales, pide la participación decisiva de las mujeres y de todas las partes de la sociedad siria en los procesos políticos.
Apoyamos los 13 objetivos y demandas desarrollados por el Consejo de Mujeres de Siria para construir una nueva Siria democrática basada en la participación de las mujeres (enlace). Además, el reconocimiento y la participación de la Administración Autónoma Democrática del Norte y el Este de Siria (DAANES) en el proceso actual también son esenciales para un futuro democrático en Siria.
Hacemos un llamamiento a la comunidad internacional y a todos los actores políticos para que reconozcan oficialmente a la DAANES, apoyen directamente a sus organizaciones civiles y establezcan una cooperación a largo plazo. Pedimos apoyo y alianzas políticas con las organizaciones democráticas de mujeres y la sociedad civil de toda Siria, en lugar de cooperar con grupos yihadistas cuya ideología y práctica se basan en la humillación y la opresión violenta de las mujeres.
También pedimos el cese inmediato de las entregas de armas y de las concesiones políticas a Turquía. Deben reforzarse las relaciones diplomáticas con las fuerzas democráticas de Siria para detener los violentos ataques de Turquía, poner fin a la guerra y permitir la construcción de una Siria democrática.
Ha llegado el momento de reforzar las fuerzas democráticas de Oriente Medio, como la DAANES, y de apoyar a las mujeres que luchan por la libertad, la paz y la democracia en Siria.
Firmas en orden alfabético
- 20th IPPNW Working Group Human Rights Turkey – Germany
- Abdollahyan Armita, Woman’s rights activist – Australia
- Abdullah Kiner, writer – Iraq
- Abrahamian Kamee, activist feminist, interdisciplinary artist, filmmaker, writer, producer, originary from Armenia – Canada
- Abu Alis Boushra, responsible for Coalition 188 – Iraq
- Acar Başaran Ayşe, former Hdp MP – Turkey
- Acerbis Simona, major of Berceto – Italy
- Adoue Silvia, professor at Universidad Estadual Paulista (UNESP) – Brazil
- AEDD – Asociación de Ex Detenidos Desaparecidos – Spain
- Afsah Tara, filmmaker – Germany
- Aguayo Hernandez Maria Elena, professor – Mexico
- Aguirre Eliana, Deputy Secretary General of State Workers’ Association (ATE) of Buenos Ayres province – Argentina
- Ahadi Mina, Women’s Rights Activist from Iran – Germany
- Ahmad Saya, District Rector in Vienna, Alsergrund – Austry
- Ahmadi Nilab, member of party De Vonk in Amsterdam municipality – Netherlands
- Aiese Cigliano Ileana, Be free coordinator – Italy
- Aizpurua Mertxe, member of the Congress of Deputies for Euskal Herria Bildu – Basque country
- Akbulut Gökay, Member of the German Bundestag – Germany
- Akyuz Latife dr., academician sociologist at Frankfurt University – Germany
- Al Bustani Delal, Member of the Lebanese Democratic Women’s Community – Lebanon
- Al Farisi Rabiha, executive member of Libyan women in defence of peace network – Libya
- Al Lami Iman Qasim, Journalist – Iraq
- Al Mukattari, President of the Democratic Youth Union – Yemen
- Al Sakkaf Behiye, Human Rights Defender – Yemen
- Al Shawarbi Sheyma, President of the Women’s Union of the Liberal Party of Egypt – Egypt
- Al Sindy Havin, kurdish artist – Germany
- Al Taii Dina, journalist – Iraq
- Al Ubeydi Boushra, activist – Iraq
- Al Wishahi Amani, representative of the Amazig International Congress Organisation – Morocco
- Alberghini Nedda, president association ‘Le Case degli Angeli di Daniele’ and president ‘Università della Vita per una Nuova Umanità’ – Italy
- Alcoba Silvia, deputy general secretary of Territorial national federation (FENAT) – Argentine Workers’ Central Union (CTA Autónoma Nacional) – Argentina
- Aldin Umeyme Imad, Researcher and Women Activist – Egypt
- Aldisone Silvia, member of the Comisión Directiva Capital de la Asociación de Trabajadores de la Educación of Neuquén – Argentina
- Alessandrini Donatella, professor of International Economic Law, Kent Law School – UK
- Alev Demirel Özlem, member of European Parliament for Left Party – Germany
- Almendra Guiguanas Vilma Rocío, Nasa and Misak woman, member of Peoples on the way – Colombia
- Altwerger Bess, education researcher and author, activist for public education, Columbia, Maryland – USA
- Alvarez Garcia Patricia, member of women’s network of the east of the State of Mexico – Mexico
Ambrosch Heidemarie, Federal Spokesperson KPÖ – Austry - Anastasiou Katerina, Federal Spokesperson KPÖ – Austry
Angriman Alejandra, Secretary of Argentine Workers’ Central Union (CTA Autónoma Nacional) – Argentina - Anna Massari, artist, Italy
- Antić Gaber Milica, professor of sociology of culture – Slovenia
- Argentieri Benedetta, director and journalist – Italy
- Arikan-Payn Nimet, Amazon Dovme, feminist, Istanbul – Turkey
- Arkawi Samya, lawyer – Sudan
- Armonie Aps women’s association Bologna – Italy
- Artese Donatella, founder of Archivia Centro Documentazione Donne e Casa Internazionale delle Donne Roma – Italy
- Asamblea feminista 8M Getafe – Spain
- Assa Shirin, professor at Bayreuth University And European University for Applied Sciences – Germany
- Associació Ca la Dona, Barcelona – Catalan Countries
- Athule Baba Khanya, artist, musician, poet, sounz of the South, Rebel Sistahs – South Africa
- Audrey Emma, Journalist – France
- Aydoğan Nursel, former Hdp MP- Turkey
- Azimipour Sanaz, iranian activist and journalist – Germany
- Barone Valentina, anthropologist and president of the women’s association Armonie Aps Bologna – Italy
- Baroni Maria Carla, member of A.Do.C. (Assemblea Donne Comuniste) – Italy
- Bayr Petra, Member of the National Council and Member of the Parliamentary Assembly Council of Europe – Austry
- Be free cooperative against trafficking violence and discrimination – Italy
- Beavis Kara, professor at Queensland University of technology, feminist and human rights activist – South Africa
- Becerikli Saadet, former Hdp MP- Turkey
- Begzadeh Golrez, social activist – Denmark
- Bellani Orsetta, journalist – Mexico
- Belloso Olga Martín, professor of Food Technologies at Universitat de Lleida – Catalan Countries
- Benciolini Francesca, councillor of the Municipality of Padua with responsibility for Peace Human Rights and International Cooperation – Italy
- Benedict Lina, aerospace engineer, Seattle Washington – USA
- Beretta Lucia, Be free coordinator – Italy
- Bergés Saura Laura, vicepresident of the Diputacion of Lleida -Catalan Countries
- Beriwan Kisa Roseline, co-president of France-Kurdistan association – France
- Bersani Serena, president of ‘Giulia giornaliste – united free autonomous journalists’ association – Italy
- Beyan Begzadeh , student, human right activist – Denmark
- Beznec Barbara, researcher, Ljubljana – Slovenia
- Bhaiya Abha, coordinator of One Billion Rising India – India
- Bhardwaj Maya, community organizer, trainer, facilitator, researcher, musician, artist – South Africa
- Biagiarelli Roberta – multidisciplinary artist – Italy
- Bideguren Gabantxo Idurre, member of the Senate of Spain, member of Euskal Herria Bildu Party – Basque country
- Biehl Janet, author of social ecologist studies – USA
- Binici Zeynep, PhD,Cardiologist – Denmark
- Birlik Leyla, former Hdp MP- Turkey
- Bisso Marino, member of NO Bavaglio network – Italy
- Blanco Eba, member of the Basque Parliament – Basque Country
- Boccia Maria Luisa, writer and politician – Italy
- Böker Marion, Director, Consultancy on Human Rights & Gender Issues, Berlin – Germany
- Bolle Francine, historian, lecturer at Université libre de Bruxelles – Belgium
- Bondi Loretta, journalist former UN official president of the Women’s Documentation Centre – Italy
- Bonsignori Simona, journalist responsible for Manifestolibri – Italy
- Brambilla Anna, lawyer – Italy
- Brandtstädter Susanne, academician and professor of Anthropology at University Köln – Germany
- Brennan Debbie, organiser for Radical Women – Australia
- Brual Delphine, dancer and comedian, member of “gestes sonores” collective – Belgium
- Budeaza Babalwa, Unemployed Peoples Movement, Eastern Cape – South Africa
- Bukovec Vesna, visual artist – Slovenia
- Bünger Clara, members of Parliament, Left Party – Germany
- Burc Roza, political sociologist – Germany
- Mujeres del Cordobazo – Argentina
- Casa Internazionale delle Donne – Italy
- Catarci Paola, psychoanalyst and member of Italian Psychoanalytic Society – Italy
- CENI – Kurdsh Women`s office for Peace, Germany
- Ceroni Rosanna, human rights worker educator rehabilitation minors Genoa – Italy
- Cervantes Cruz Maribel, member of Proceso de articulación de la sierra de santa Marta, Sur de Veracruz – Mexico
- Cesar Vargas Samantha, activist and advocate of Territorio, Frente de Pueblos en Defensa de la Tierra y el Agua, Morelos , Puebla y Tlaxcala – Mexico
- Chapman Rachel R., professor, University of Washington – USA
- Chavez Lolita, member of CPK Council of K’iche’ people, community feminist, member of FAY (Feministas del Abya Yala)- Guatemala
- Čigon Ana, cultural worker – Slovenia
- Cima Laura, member Italian Ecofeminists Coordination – Italy
- Cinzia Davide lol Agency, member of FAY (Feministas del Abya Yala) – Argentina
- CISDA ets (Coordinamento Italiano Sostegno Donne Afghane) – Italy
- Colectivo de Mujeres Feministas de Huesca – Spain
- Colectivo Libertarias – Spain
- Col·lectiu de Dones Feministes de Montcada, Valencia – Catalan Countries
- Coordinadora feminista of Cartagena – Spain
- Indígenas del Istmo en Defensa de la Tierra y el Territorio – Mexico
- Cubells Aguilar Lola, profesor of Constitucional Law at Universitat de València – Catalan Countries
- D’Agostino Aurora, lawyer, co-president Italian Democratic Juristes – Italy
- Dabata Phumza – Co-ordinator; Abahlali base Freedom Park, Soweto Women’s Group (Eva Hoffman) and Nomachina Nzube and Tespiso Ramahluku - South Africa
- Dadarsefatmahboob Mahtab, PhD researcher at University Duisburg-Essen – Germany
- Dağdeviren Dersim, doctor – Germany
- Danna Daniela, researcher in Social Science – Italy
- Davali Chiara, research fellow at the University of Urbino , Italy
- Davari Mina, student and human rights activist – Sweden
- Dobnikar Mojca, translator – Slovenia
- Dolmann Erica, member of State Workers’ Association (ATE) – Argentina
- Dominguez Viquez Michelle, teacher, secretary of Public Education – Mexico
- Donne in nero Bologna – Italy
- Dragon Irmgard, Germany
- Drohsel Franziska, lawyer and former head of the young socialists in the SPD – Germany
- Društvo za nenasilno komunikacijo – Association for nonviolens communucation - Slovenia
- Dukpa Raquel, filmmaker – Germany
- Dündar Pero, former Hdp MP- Turkey
- Ekaterina Bloggerman, Be free coordinator – Italy
- Eklund Lina, PhD, associate senior lecturer at the department of Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science and centre for Advanced Middle Eastern Studies, Lund University – Sweden
- El Col·lectiu 8 de Març de l’Alcoià i el Comtat – Catalan Countries
- El Fani Nadia, filmmaker from Tunisia – France
- Eliseeva Anastasya, Media and Communications Officer, feminist artist, activist at ILRIG Cape Town, Wits Technicon Alumni- ILRIG – International Labour Research and Information Group – South Africa
- Emin Suzan, journalist – Sweden
- Enciso González Atahualpa Sofía Alejandra, defender of life and territory, member of Un Salto de Vida from El Salto de Juanacatlán, Jalisco – Mexico
- Eriksson Peggy, city councillor in the Åland Islands and EFA Vice President – Åland Islands
- Ershad Shahrazad, artist, photographer and women’s rights activist – Canada
- Fidel Dr. Raya, professor emerita in Information Sciences, University of Washington – USA
- Finocchiaro Angela, actress – Italy
- Forsman Maria, activist and teacher - Sweden
- Fragnito Maddalena, independent researcher – Italy
- Fraser Nancy, Henry A. and Louise Loeb Professor of Philosophy and Politics New School for Social Research – USA
- Freeman Abigail BL, Alliance for Peace, Justice and Human Rights – Liberia
- Fundaciòn de Los Comunes – Spain
- Gaga Dureeti, administrative assistant at Hennepin County Library, Minneapolis, MN – USA
- Ganzerla Mariateresa, activist association Armonie – Italy
- García Rivas Dulce María, traditional natural doctor – Mexico
- Gargano Oria, president Be free cooperative – Italy
- Garnier Ortiz Marie, professor of political communication, University of Amsterdam – Netherlands
- Garuti Mirca, foreign manager at Alkemia – Italy
- Gastaldon Giorgia, researcher at University of Insubria, Como – Italy
- Gedin Hanna, MdEP – Sweden
- Gemeinsam Kämpfen, Germany
- Ghaedi Mersedeh, former political prisoner and activist from Iran – UK
- Ghanbari Inaat, social activist, painter – Netherlands
- Ghazzawi Razan, syrian palestinian exiled by the regime and a former prisoner, professor at the Oregon State University – USA
- Gheno Vera, professor at University of Florence – Italy
- Gilbert Helen, National Organizer, Radical Women U.S. – USA
- Gillespie Kelly, University of Western Cape, Cape Town – South Africa
- Giuliana Michelagnoli cartoonist artist, Italy Godinez Jenny, human rights defender – Mexico
- Goettner-Abendroth Heide dr., author and research in matriarchal societies and cultures, director of International Academy Hagia – Germany
- Gonsales Natália, actress – Brazil
- González Esther, MP of the Canary Islands – Spain
- González Vega Dunia, Former Director General of the Treasury of the Government of the Canary Islands – Spain
- Grabar Nika, architect – Slovenia
- Greco Maria Rosaria, fondatrice Femminile palestinese – Italia
- Gren Nina, Senior Lecturer in Social Anthropology Dep of Sociology at Lund University – Sweden
- Grigio Fiorella, president of Centro Pandora APS, Padua – Italy
- Grilla Mimma, freelancer Casablanca and Meyyocieleo, member of editorial staff of Le Siciliane – Italy
- Grillo Rosa Maria, lecturer at the University of Salerno – Italy Grisendi Francesca, actress – Italy
- Grobler Ana, gallery manager – Slovenia
- Grossi Celeste, ARCI national manager for Gender Policies – Italy
- Grünn Gerlinde, Mag., State Spokesperson KPÖ Upper Austria – Austry
- Grup de dones Vilarreal – Spain
- Guarda Cristina, MEP for Greens/EFA – Italy
- Guarisco Sara, ceramic artist – Italy
- Guerra Sánchez María Isabel, psychologist specializing in Gender Based Violence – Spain
- Guerry Hoddersen Anne, National Chairperson of U.S. Freedom Socialist Party – USA
- Gupta Rahila, chair of Southall Black Sisters – UK
- Guzmàn Arroyo Adriana, leading figure in anti-patriarchal community feminism, member of FAY (Feministas del Abya Yala) – Bolivia
- Habermann Friederike dr, economist, historian, author and independet researcher – Germany
- Hackmann Daniela, M.A., Families for peace – Germany
- Hackmann Gerd, medical doctor, – Germany
- Hajer Minke, professor of sociology, Utrecht University – Netherlands
- Hajzler Saša, journalist, Radio študent, Ljubljana – Slovenia
- Hakimova Aigul, community organiser, Ljubljana – Slovenia
- Heddadin Hiba, Director General of the Association for Equality for Human Rights and Education – Jordan
- Hermida Martín Yanira, historiadora, Universidad de La Laguna (Tenerife) – Spain
- Hernández Castillo Rosalva Aida, anthropologist with a PhD in Philosophy and professor at CIESAS in Mexico City, member of the Network of decolonial feminisms (Red de feminismos decoloniales), Women and the sıxth – Mexıco
- Hernández Jorge Carmen, MP of the Canary Islands – Spain
- Hernández Natalia, feminist activist, academician – Colombia
- Herrera Cruz María Encarnación, local councillor in the Canary Islands – Spain
- Hezer Tuba, former Hdp MP- Turkey Hideydan Delula, journalist – Algeria
- Hlope Simphimphilo Allea, Editor, writer, FundzaMag, Eswatini – South Africa
- Hvala Tea, sociologist – Slovenia
- Ibrahimi Masooma, artist, writer and filmmaker who reported on women’s rights in Afghanistan media, Seattle,Washington – USA
- Imret Leyla, former mayor of Cizre – Turkey
- International Alliance of Women (IWA) Intersindical Alternativa de Catalunya – Catalan Countries
- Irmak Selma, former Hdp MP- Turkey Ituño Itziar, attrice – Basque country
- Ivanc Jera, cultural worker – Slovenia
- Iveković Rada, professor – France
- Jakovljevic Marija, Sociologist – Serbia
- Jan Sylvie, honor president of France-Kurdistan association – France
- Jiménez Aragòn Irati, member of Parliament in the Parliament of Nafarroa – Spain
- Jiménez Martín María Inés, Vice President of the Island Cabildo of Gran Canaria – Spain
- Kabayel Hüriye, Co-chair of the federation of the alevi association (FEDA), Germany
- Kadir Soreti B, political activist and journalist, Oromo Democratic Revolutionary Party, Oromia – Ethiopia
- Kahr Elke, chairwoman of the KPÖ Graz and Mayor of Graz – Austry
- Kajee Ayesha -Co-ordinator, Sofasonke movement, Johannesburg – South Africa
- Kakabaveh Amineh, former PM of the Swedish Parliament and women rights activist – Sweden
- Kaltenhäuser Elisabeth, member of Alliance for Justice between Isrealis and Palestinians – Germany
- Katayama Seena, Broadcaster for Queering The Air 3CR Radio and Podcast – Australia
- Kavčič Vesna, translator and teacher of English, Ljubljana – Slovenia
- Kay Zara, founder of Faithless Hijabi – Sweden
- Kemalbay Serpil, former Hdp MP- Turkey
- Khala Cheryl, writer and artist, content strategist - South Africa
- Khalid Zainab dr, postdoc- adaptation Hive Development Geography, Institute of Geography, University of Bonn – Germany
- Khodayari Maryam, health care worker – Sweden
- Kim Caroline, south korean writer – USA Kirpensteijn Jolanda, sports trainer, coach – Netherlands
- Kitab Hetaw, Istanbul – Turkey Klemm Peri, professor at California State University, Northridge, California – USA
- Koçali Filiz, journalist- Turkey
- Köhler Susanne, CEO Memorial Press Freedom, fighters for Truth, Frankfurt – Germany
- Koko Neimet, researcher specialized in Development and Alternative Policies – Sudan
- Kolektiv Fem TV- Collective Fem - Slovenia
- Kolektiv Rdeče zore – Collective Red Dawns – Slovenia
- Kolektiv – Collective of translators - Slovenia
- Konca Besime, former Hdp MP- Turkey
- Kongra Star, Rojava
- Korol Claudia, feminist member of FAY (Feministas del Abya Yala) – Argentina
- Kovač Vanja, Journalist RTV, Ljubljana – Slovenia
- Kozinc Nina, editor – Slovenia Kralj Ana, academic – Slovenia
- Kumar Tadeja, textile designer, Ljubljana – Slovenia
- Kurt Şeyda, Journalist and author – Germany
- Kurtulan Fatma, former Hdp MP- Turkey Kuwee
- Kumsa Martha, board member at Siinqee Institute – Canada
- L’Aurora, marxist organization – Catalan countries
- La Penna Benedetta, Equal Opportunities councillor of Abruzzo Region – Italy
- Langensiepen Katrin, MEP of Greens/EFA – Germany
- Leccabue Fabrizio, former CNR researcher, retired editor of the magazine ‘Dal lato del torto’ – Italy
- Leccardi Carmen, professor emerita at University Milano Bicocca – Italy
- Ledesma Coni, central feminist figures in the Philippines, member of the National Democratic Front of the Philippines – Netherlands
- Leduc Valentina, documentalist – Mexico
- Lesconfinate, feminist cultural association – Italy
- Leskošek Vesna, lecturer, researcher, professor – Slovenia
- Lessa Iara, retired professor, University of Toronto – Canada
- Lete Cristina dr., MD, obstetrician-gynocologist, retired, Newton, Massachusetts – USA
- Ličer Ksenija, English translator, Ljubljana – Slovenia
- Ličer Laura, personal assistant to disabled, Ljubljana – Slovenia
- LIVRE Party – Portugal
- Lokar Grden Tina, sociologist and philosopher, Brussels – Belgium
- Lokar Sonja, international gender expert Ljubiyana – Slovenia loose
- Lena Maria, fotografie – Germany
- López de Lacalle Lorena, EFA (European Free Alliance) president – Basque country
- López Díaz Leticia, former local councilor in the Canary Islands – Spain
- López González Sara, advocate of DDHH de la Resistencia Civil de Candelaria Nora Tzec, activist and advocate of Las semillas y el territorio, member of Red Mayense de Guardianas y Guardianes de Semillas – Mexico
- López Medina Celeste, Councilor and Spokesperson of Telde City Council, Gran Canaria – Spain
- López Mondéjar Lola, psychoanalyst and writer, Murcia – Spain
- López Sánchez Lorena, responsible for European Affairs of Nueva Canarias and Vice President of EFA – Spain
- Lorenz Paulina, film producer – Germany
- Lori Barbara, vice president of the Legislative Assembly of the Emilia Romagna Region – Italy
- Löw Christine, dr. political scientist, Frankfurt Main – Germany
- Lucas Marieme Helie, algerian feminist founder of Secularism Is A Women’s Issue ( siawi) and Women Living Under Muslim Law (wluml) – Algeria
- Lucero Miranda, member of CRIC (Consejo regional indígena del Cauca), governator of the safeguard of Cofradia – Colombia
- Lucietta Marittima osteopath teacher, Italy
- Lucu Tina, journalist, Ljubljana – Slovenia
- Lulli Francesca, anthropologist, independent researcher and cooperation consultant NGO – Italy
- Lunaček Sarah, assit. prof., anthropologist – Slovenia
- Luschnat HP Ruth, social worker and mrmber at Lavhesis and in uniıon Verdi, Berlin – German
- Mabuza Nondumiso, Advocacy Manager- Carolina Eco-Green Economy - South Africa
- Madallah Mahasen, activist – Syria
- Magagula Siphilele, Cultural Practitioner & Branding Consultant, Kingdom of Eswatini – Sud Africa
- Maguire Cindy, co-director of ArtsAction Group, professor at Adelphi University – USA
- Majerhold Katarina, master of science (philosophy), managing editor of the scientific Journal, Ljubiyana - Slovenia
- Majsova Natalija, culturologist – Slovenia
- Maksimovic Galina, playwright and program coordinator of Reconstruction Women’s Fund – Serbia
- Malala Aps Association Women’s eyes on peace – Italy
- Mandacovich Mariana, deputy secretary general of Argentine Workers’ Central Union (CTA Autónoma Nacional) – Argentina
- Manotti Brunella, president of the ANPI Parma section – Italy
- Manzi Alessia, journalist – Italy
- Maosouri Pouran, nurse – Sweden
- Mapelli Barbara, essayist and educationalist – Italy Maraini Dacia, writer – Italy
- Marchesini Matilde, MANI Association – Italy
- Marcos Sylvia, academician post-doctoral fellow in Psychology and Sociology of Religions at Harvard University, founder of the Network of decolonial feminisms (Red de feminismos decoloniales) – Mexico
- Marta Panighel, PhD (She/They), Postdoctoral Research Fellow, ERC Project F-WORD, Department of Cultures, Politics and Society, University of Turin, Genova
- Martinez Roa Karla Alegría, midwife and healer – Mexic
- Marxa Mundial de Dones València – Catalan Countries
- Massard Lydie, former MEP and member of UDB – France
- Massari Pia Angela, secondary school teacher , Italy
- Massey Susan, PhD, applied Mathematician and Research at USA Software Engineer, Phoenix, Arizona – USA
- Mastrogiovanni Marilù, member of ‘Forum of Mediterranean women journalists’, European climate Pact ambassador – Italy
- Masudi Zaman, pensioner – Germany
- Matas Salla Francesc, executive committee of L’Aurora organization – Catalan Countries
- Matima Manana, co-ordinator; Women in Agricultural Rural Movement, WiARM;
- Midvaal - South Africa
- Matin Kamran, Associate Professor of International Relations, University of Sussex – UK
- Maupertuis Marie Antoinette, President of the Corsican Assembly – Corsica
- Mearini Marta, Be free coordinator – Italy
- Melandri Lea, feminist historian and writer – Italy
- Melgar Lucia, PhD. professor and researcher, México City – Mexico
- Mendez Virgo, member of Colectivo Tsijilba bik of Chiapas – Mexico
- Mendoza Beatriz, president of Centro de Jubilados of the province of Buenos Aires y vocal of Argentine Workers’ Central Union (CTA Autónoma Nacional) – Argentina
- Merk Heidi, former State Minister – Germany
- Mesa Maria Eva, Associotion Columbia Humana, Spain
- Messina Maria Grazia, Professor emeritus University of Florence – Italy
- Mesud Nesrin, member of Sudan revolution support committee – Sudan
- Metlika Zala, Lawyer,Ljubljana – Slovenia
- Mezzadri Alessandra, political economist, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London – UK
- Micó Àgueda, MP in the Congress of Deputies of the Spanish state by Més Compromís – Spain
- Migration and Antiracism Commission – Spain
- Milan Women’s House – Italy
- Millán Márgara, sociologist and social anthropologist, researcher at the Centro de Estudios Latinoamericanos, (FCPyS, UNAM), feminist activist – Mexico
- Millán Moira, waichafe (warrior) and indigenous rights activist of Mapuche people – Argentina
- Mioreno Susana, national spokeperson of CUP (Popular Unity Candidacy) – Catalan Countries
- Miranda Navarro María Inés, Councilor of the Island Cabildo of Gran Canaria – Spain
- Mirani Bianca, licensed psychologist – Sweden
- Mkhonto Phumile Pretty, Presenter, UNESWA FM Community Radio Station, Eswtini - South Africa
- Modin Hilma, bachelor in history and activist - Sweden
- Moffat Madison, Broadcaster for Queering The Air 3CR Radio and Podcast – Australia
- Moghadam Valentine M., Ph.D., professor of Sociology and International Affairs, Northeastern University of Boston – USA
- Mogharab Nasim, Iranian women’s rights activist and academician – Canada
- Mohamedlamin Najla, human rights and against climate change activist – Western Sahara
- Mohammad Sara, chairwoman for Never Forget Pela and Fadime organization, Stockholm – Sweden
- Mohammed Kazjin, Teamleader Business Operations – Netherlands
- Mohammedi Sediqa, teacher, social activist and feminist – Sweden
- Monacelli Nadia, president of CUCI (University Cooperation Centre of Parma) – Italy
- Monney Vanessa, union secretary, public services union, Vaud region – Switzerland
- Franziska Stier, Party Secretary BastA!, Basel – Switzerland
- Montella Tatiana, lawyer, Immigration Legal Clinic, University of Roma Tre – Italy
- Monteriù Monica, piscotherapist – Italy
- Montoro Morate Eva, technician of at Office of Cooperation and Solidarity at Universitat de Lleida – Catalan Countries
- Morel Darleux Corinne, writer – France
- Morelli Florecía, Gender and Diversities Secretary of Argentine Workers’ Central Union (CTA Autónoma Nacional) – Argentina
- Moreno Sánchez Miriam, activist in Mujer Libre Mx and La Fuerza de Ixchel – Mexico
- Morini Cristina, journalist for – Italy
- Morsümbül Songül, Spokesperson for the Alevi Womens Union (DAKB), Germany
- Mujeres Libres Madrid – Organización anarcofeminista – Spain
- Mukriyan Rojîn, PhD researcher at University College Cork – Ireland
- Muminin Yaya Itisam Ummul, Executive Member of Sahara Human Rights Defenders Platform, Western Sahara
- Muneem Shadiye Abdul, spokesperson of Sudan Bunyan Women Platform – Sudan
- Murao Yoko, calligrapher, artist, teacher and dancer born in Japan, living in Seattle, Washington – USA
- Muršec Simona, political scientist and activist – Slovenia
- Naddeo Maria Elena, feminist, vice-President of APDH and heads the Gender Area of the CABA Ombudsman’s Offic – Argentina
- Naidoo Venessa, Eastview Primary, Hod of Department, Teacher, KwaZulu Natal - South Africa
- Namazie Maryam, campaigner and Women’s Rights Activist from Iran – UK
- Nardi Maria Andrea, PhD/Researcher, KEG – CMES, Lund University Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights – Sweden
- Nawai Shahin, Activist and Researcher in Women’s Movement – Germany
- Neuner Friederike – Austry
- Ngobo Melita, Abahlali base Mjondolo, Tembisa, Johannesburg – South Africa
- Niknafs Atieh, Iranian women’s rights activist – Netherlands
- Nikolič Pia, editor and journalist – Slovenia
- Nocentini Gabriella, writer – Italy
- Non mix commette for Rojava of Asturias – Spain
- Notz Gisela, Dr phil., social scientist, historian, Berlin, – German
- Noyes Platt Susan, PhD, independent art historian and freelance art critic and curator, Seattle,Washington – USA
- Nuñez Patino Kathia, research professor at Universidad autonoma de Chiapas – Mexico
- Öcalan Dilek, former Hdp MP- Turkey
- Özgen Neşe, Professor of Sociology and Antrophology, Germany
- Odisho Shamiran, Secretary of Iraqi Women’s Association – Iraq
- Ohaz e.V. Oromo horn of Africa Centre, German-African Meeting Place – Germany
- Omar Afaf Muhammed, activist – Sudan
- Organisation Womens Lobby – Slovenia
- Organization 50:50 Getting more women into politics– North Ireland
- Oshiro Elsa, co-president of Movimiento Ecuménico por los Derechos Humanos –Argentina
- Owen Margaret O.B.E., human rights lawyer focusing on women’s and children’s rights, president of Widows for Peace through Democracy (WPD), Patron Peace in Kurdistan – UK
- Özgökçe Bedia, former Hdp MP- Turkey
- Paini Anna, professor of Anthropology at University of Verona – Italy
- Palestinian Community of Parma – Italy
- Pallotta Clelia, journalist and university lecturer, Milan – Italy
- Pan Maja, researcher and activist – Slovenia
- Panfilo Ivonne, lawyer, member of Legal Clinic on Gender Violence at University Roma Tre – Italy
- Pansy Sarah, Federal Spokesperson KPÖ – Austria
- Paola Pacifico teacher Xin Shu Chinese medicine center, Italy
- Paparelli Giulia, Be free coordinator – Italy
- Parisa Chia, Iranian Communist Women in the Netherlands – Netherlands
- Parma Città Pubblica Association APS – Italy
- Parodi Alicia, assistant secretary of CTAA LA Rioja – Mexico
- Patrizi Rosanna, member of Women in Black Parma – Italy
- Patten Mary, professor emerita, department of Film/Video/New Media/Animation at School of the Art Institute of Chicago – USA
- Pečarič Elena, psychologist and sociologist, Škofije – Slovenia
- Pedrico Carme Oliva, technician of at Office of Cooperation and Solidarity at Universitat de Lleida – Catalan Countries
- Pelizzoni Mirella, former bookseller, retired editor of the magazine ‘Dal lato del torto’ – Italy
- REPAK – Kurdish Women`s Relation Office, Iraq
- Percovich Luciana, independent researcher and writer – Italy
- Pernat Nina, journalist – Slovenia
- Peter-Hansen Kira Marie, MEP of Greens/EFA – Denmark
- Piar Castillejo Maria, deputy GP CUP (Popular Unity Candidacy) – OT – Catalan Countries
- Piccolo Ottavia, actress – Italy
- Pieterson Caroline, Co-ordinator, Pay The Grants, Johannesburg – South Africa.
- Pietchamoa Mirjam, director and anthropologist, Germany
- Pinelli Barbara, associate professor of Anthropology at University of Roma Tre – Italy
- Pirard Marie, lecturer and researcher in Architecture, Architectural Engineering and Town Planning at Université Catholique de Louvain – Belgium
- Pisanec Anuša, anthropologist Ljubiyana - Slovenia
- Pistre Maria José, member of Argentine Workers’ Central Union (CTA Autónoma Nacional) – Argentina
- Plataforma Impacto de Género Ya – Spain
- Plaza Müller Elsa, writer and researcher – Spain
- Pogačnik Marjana, teacher of English, Novo mesto – Slovenia
- Polozkova Anastasia, independent journalist and activist, member of Feminist Anti-War Resistance and the Eighth Initiative Group – South Africa
- Pooya Shahin, women’s rights activist and defender of the rights of imprisoned women – Sweden
- Popp Anja, lawyer – Germany Poulsen Englund Maiken, Vice President of Ålands Framtid – Åland Islands
- Pouyande Parisa, social worker, chairperson of the Campaign to Free Political Prisoners in Iran, Vrouwenrecht activist – Netherlands
- Preto Claudia, artisan and activist of Women in Black Bologna – Italy
- Princiotto Angela Maria, teacher – Italy Procopio Maria, psychologist and writer – Italy
- Protner Beja, researcher, Ljubljana – Slovenia Pumo Rachele, collective activist Psa Street Medic – Italy
- Qadery Chia, social Work – Netherlands
- Quinto Carla Rosaria, lawyer – Italy Raduazzo Micol, Collettivo Musicanti Autogestito – Italy
- Ragonese Maria, teacher in Palermo – Italy Rahem Selma, librarian – Sweden
- Rai Shirin, Professor of Politics and International Relations, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London – UK
- Rajgelj Barbara, lawyer and activist – Slovenia
- Ramasar Vasna, professor at Lund University in Global Tapestry of Alternatives South Africa – Sweden
- Ramkisson Nikita, editor, Unscripted Revolution Podcast, MA in Gender and Media Studies at University of KwaZulu Natal, BA Hon in Journalism (Wits University) Alma Mater – South Africa
- Ramkisson Nikita, Unscripted Revolution Podcast, independent journalist, feminist podcaster in Johannesburg – South Africa
- Ramos Amanda, feminist activist and academician – Mexico
- Rampello Liliana, founding member Italian Virginia Woolf Society – Italy
- Rando Valeria, journalist – Italy
- Rasera Eliana, member of ‘Governo di Lei’ association – Italy
- Reddy Lara– Editor, writer, poet, political and feminist activist, educator (SACE) South African Council Of Educators, permanent member based in Johannesburg – ILRIG – International Labour Research and Information Group – South Africa
- Redegheri Mara, singer and songwriter – Italy
- Reguant i Cura Eulàlia, ex deputy of CUP at Cataluña parlament – Catalan Countries
- Reinoso Olga, deputy general secretary of Argentine Workers’ Central Union (CTA Autónoma Nacional)of Santa Cruz – Argentina
- Remmo Amera, Administration – Netherlands
- Retamal Pulgar Betsabé, community feminist – México
- Reyes Marrero Mary Carmen, Secretary of Equality of Nueva Canarias and former councilor for Equality of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria – Spain
- Riba i Giner Diana, MEP for EFA and Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya – Catalan countries
- Riehl Nela, MEP of Greens/EFA – Netherlands
- Rigo Enrica, associate professor of Philosophy of Law, University of Roma Tre – Italy
- Riley Luisa, documentalist – Mexico
- Ripa Valentina, lecturer at the University of Salerno – Italy
- Ritscher Adam, former President of United Steelworkers – USA
- Rivera Flores Karla Yanin, academician of Universidad Popular de los Movimientos Sociales of Nayarit – Mexico
- Roberti Roberta, teacher, Parma – Italy
- Rodriguez Vanina, Training Secretary of the State Workers’ Association (ATE) – Argentina
- Rodrıguez Molına Celina, feminist of the FPDSCP space, chair member of Virginia Bolten, member of FAY (Feministas del Abya Yala) – Argentına
- Roelants du Vivier Malika, paediatrician at ST Pierre hospital, Brussels – Belgium
- Rosenwasser Penny, Ph.D. in transformative learning & change, chaired the Jewish Caucus of the National Women’s Studies Association, founding board member of Jewish Voice for Peace – USA
- Rossi Patrizia, social worker, pro-Palestinian activist, circle secretary of Rifondazione Comunista – Italy
- Rothaus Marleen, artist – Germany
- Rué Monné Montserrat, professor of Statistic and Operative Research at Universitat de Lleida – Catalan Countries
- Ruggerini Maria Grazia, writer, historical sociologist – Italy Ruiz Descamps Laura, member of the Women’s Commette of Chiapas – Mexico
- Ruiz Olivia, secretary for social previdence of Argentine Workers’ Central Union (CTA Autónoma Nacional) – Argentina
- Ruß Ute, graduate political scientist – Germany
- Saad Tiba, spokesperson of Intafidi Women’s Initiative – Iraq
- Sacchi Floraleda, harpist – Italy
- Sacco Rosalba, film-maker – Italy
- Sadr Elahe, sports teacher, motor therapist, counsellor and wendo trainer, queer activist, agisra e.V., – Germany
- Sahgal Gita, Human Rights Advocate, writer, journalist, film director, women rights activist and human rights activist – UK
- Said Shukri, ‘MIgrare’ association, Italy
- Sajeva Angela, actress – Italy
- Salembier Chloé, Architecture, Architectural Engineering and Town Planning professor at Université Catholique de Louvain – Belgium
- Salih Ruba, writer and Lecturer at the University of Bologna – Italy
- Salvini Elisabetta – president Casa delle donne di Parma – Italy
- Sanchis Giménez Marta, Social Mobilització – Catalan countries
- Santana Natalia, MP of the Canary Islands – Spain
- Santulli Titti, Unione Giovani della sinistra – Italy
- Sarbo Bafta, social scientist – Germany
- Sassi Brooke, PhD, school principal, specialist in educational leadership and policy, Denver, Colorado – USA
- Savastano Graziella, actress – Italy
- Savioli Sarah, writer – Italy
- Savithri Haritha, author and journalist – India
- Schacht Selma, Chamber of Labour Councillor, KOMintern – Austry
- Schauer Erika, translator – Slovenia
- Scheller Julia, Women’s Political Spokesperson of the Marxist-Leninist Party (MLPD) – Germany
- Schmid Gabriele, Mag, AK Vienna – Austry
- Schölzel Susann, lawyer – Germany
- Schonveld Eva, climate activist, process designer and facilitator of Grassroots to Global – Scotland
- Sciuga Elena, lecturer, Roma – Italy
- Scivoletto Chiara, professor at University of Parma – Italy
- Scommegna Arianna, actress – Italy
- Scott Sarah, marine electrician, Seattle, Washington – USA
- Scrollini Federica, president ‘Linearmente’ and member of Be free cooperative – Italy
- Scropetta Clara, actress and director – Italia
- Segato Rita Laura, academician, book’s author – Argentina
- Seidenberg Manasseh, medical doctor, Zurich – Switzerland
- Sendra Ferrer Angels, technician at Office of Cooperation and Solidarity at Universitat de Lleida – Catalan Countries
- Senese Daniela, Head of ‘Casa delle donne della Marsica’ – Italy
- Seroti Clair, political activist, feminist, keep left, professor at University of Witwatersrand – South Africa
- Sgrena Giuliana, journalist – Italy
- Shahvisi Arianne, associate professor in Ethics Brighton and Sussex Medical School – Germany
- Shahzad Arshadi, filmmaker and playwright, Montreal – Canada
- Shamseh Rihab, activist – Canada
- Shaw Khodabandeh Carol, teacher – USA
- Sherif Amne, women’s rights defender, South Darfur – Sudan
- Siciliano Ausilia, docente – Italy
- Sinigaglia Serena, theatre director – Italy
- Sitrin Marina, professor and chair of the Department of Sociology, Binghamton University, NY – USA
- Skelton Ian, retired professor, University of Toronto – Canada
- Slutzky Alejandra, Activist for children rights – Netherlands
- Smith Carmen, Baroness of Llanfaes, member of the House of the Lord – UK
- Solano Xóchitl Leyva, activist and antropologist from CIESAS Sureste, Chiapas – Mexico
- Soriato Maria Silvia, piscotherapist – Italy
- Soto Pito Daniela, member of CRIC (Consejo regional indígena del Cauca) and leader of political training – Colombia
- Spinelli Barbara, lawyer, ELDH co-president – Italy Šramel Čebular Lori, researcher Ljubiyana - Slovenia Starosta Anita, heads the public relations work of medico international – Germany Steyerl Hito, filmmaker and author – Germany
- Štiglic Sara, student, Ljubljana – Slovenia
- Stojanovska Andreja, student, Ljubljana – Slovenia
- Strauss Robin, licensed clinical social worker, adjunct lecturer, New York City – USA
- Strauss Swanson Charlotte, PhD., counseling psychologist in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania – USA
- Sušnik Vika, journalis – Slovenia Sÿdek Sasja, Broadcaster for Queering The Air 3CR Radio and Podcast – Australia
- Taylor Lisa Marie, CEO of FiLiA , feminist activist – UK Taşdemir Dilan Dirayet, former Hdp MP- Turkey
- Tazzioli Martina, associate professor of Geography at University of Bologna – Italy
- TJKE – Kurdish Women`s Movement in Europe Tevgera Jinen Azad, Turkey
- Thaler Iza, lawyer, Ljubljana – Slovenia The Immigration Legal Clinic of the Roma Tre University – Italy
- Thorne Alison, Organiser for Freedom Socialist Party – Australia
- Timmers Madelon, Artist, Social organizing psychologist and creative facilitator/coach – Netherlands
- Toldrà Roca Dolors, professor of Civil at Universitat Lleida – Catalan Countries
- Tomasello Gaia, PhD Theoretical Physical Chemistry – Italy
- Toschi Caterina, associate professor of History of Contemporary Art and History of Photography, pro-director of Research and Digital Transition, Siena – Italy
- Tosun Remziye, former Hdp MP- Turkey
- Tulin Marina, professor of political communication, University of Amsterdam – Netherlands
- Tunisian Democratic Women’s Association – Tunisia
- Uca Feleknaz, former Hdp MP- Turkey UDI (Unione Donne di Italia) Reggio Calabria APS – Italy
- UDI (Unione Donne di Italia) Roma La Goccia APS – Italy Una Nessuna Centomila foundation – Italy
- Urrea Diana, member of the Basque Parliament – Basque Country
- Valdiserra Daniela, militant Pap – Potere al Popolo – Italy
- Van Dam Petra, Wold Women Platform – Netherlands
- Van Gool K.I., Rietveld Academy – Netherlands
- Van Osnabrugge Riekje, Emeritus Student Pastor – Netherlands
- Van Outryve Sixtine, PhD in law at UCLouvain and postdoctoral researcher at Radboud Universiteit – Belgium
- Van Putte Renie, Youth Care Worker – Netherlands
- Vargas Gabriela, member of Asociación de Ex Detenidos Desaparecidos – Argentina
- Vargas Teutle Miryam, community journalist, territory defender, member of Frente de Pueblos en Defensa de la Tierra y el Agua del valle Cholulteca – Mexico
- Vasquez María Laura, film director – Argentina Vasta Ellie, professor of Sociology – Italy
- Vazquez Sanchez Mariela, agroecologist – Mexico
- Vela Beatriz, defender of the old Valle de Xuchitlán, member of Comité Agua y Vida – Mexico
- Velasco Rosalba, regional councillor of CRIC (consejo regional indígena del Cauca) Colombia
- Verdelocco Anna, Be free coordinator – Italy
- Volpei Livia, National Vice Secretary of Femu À Corsica Party and EFA Vice President – Corsica
- Von Redecker Eva, philosopher, Hamburg – Germany
- Vorrasi Chiara, art historian, art curator in Ferrara – Italy
- Wehnert Birgit, alternative practitioner, dance therapist, shiatsu therapist, qualified teacher – Germany
- Weller Adrienne, feminist anti-Zionist jewish activist, Seattle, Washington – USA
- Wendt Höjer Fanny, PhD candidate Center for Gender Studies, Uppsala University - Sweden
- Wenhammar Jenny, FEMEN International & Sweden – Sweden
- Werner Sigrid, Federal Spokesperson Feminist Party – Germany
- Westrheim Kariane, Chair EUTCC und Professor University of Bergen – Norway
- Willet Joanie, co-coordinator of EFA (European Free Alliance) Women’s Forum – Belgium
- Williams Susan dr., MD, gastroenterologist, retired, New York City – USA
- WILPF Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom German Section – Germany Women Defend Rojava, Germany
- Wong Nellie, poet and activist for feminist and socialist causes, member of the Freedom Socialist Party and Radical Women – USA
- Yáñez Rodríguez Marisa, member of Un Salto de Vida from El Salto y Juanacatlán, Jalisco – Mexico
- Yasar Özlem, social worker and board member of the Mesela association – Germany
- Yiğitalp Sibel, former Hdp MP- Turkey
- Yusef Soleen, screenwriter & film director, Berlin – Germany
- Zalta Anja, professor – Slovenia
- Zambrano Becoche Flor Esminda, member of CRIC ( Consejo regional indígena del Cauca), leader of the program “women changing their world”, local health coordinator of the Honduras territory – Colombia
- Zanella Luana, president of the AVS group Chamber of Deputies – Italy
- Zea Rosales Maria de Lourdes, secretary of organisation of the union of workers of the National Autonomous University of Mexico UNAM – Mexico
- Zecca Francesca, psychotherapist – Italy
- Zeledon Cecilia, director of University Tierra, Mexicco
- Žgank Jasmina, translator – Slovenia
- Zoli Anna, poet, writer, researcher and biographer – Italy
- Zorn Mateja, cultural manager – Slovenia
- Zùñiga Càceres Bertha, social activist of Lencadescent, general coordinator of the Civil Council of Popular and Indigenous Organizations of Honduras (COPINH) – Honduras
- Zwane Simpiwe, Tembelihle Crisis Committee, women organiser, activist – South Africa